Millet- or Quinoa- Black Bean Salad Recipe (Gluten-free, Vegan)

This lovely fresh Quinoa salad can be used to stuff a Brunch pita or eaten as a side...
COOK 1 C. Millet or Quinoa in 2 C. Water.  If using quinoa, rinse first in cold water to remove the bitter saponins.  Many recipes suggest toasting Millet 4-5 minutes in a heavy pan, stirring throughout, to bring out the nutty flavour. Add cooking water, bring to a boil, immediately turn down and gently simmer on low with lid on for about 15 minutes. Let sit for 10 minutes on cold burner. Fluff. Cool.

COMBINE in large bowl:
*Millet or Quinoa
*2 C. Black Beans
*2 large Tomatoes, chopped
*1 C. Green Onions, chopped
*1 English Cucumber, diced

For DRESSING, WHIZ in the blender:

*1/2 C. Water
*2 Lemons, juiced
*2 tsp. Garlic, minced
*1/2 tsp. Salt
*1/4 tsp. Pepper
*1 tsp. Cumin
*1/2 tsp. Coriander

CHILL and serve on Lettuce Leaves or fill Pita

Here is another tasty Quinoa Salad recipe:  Confetti Salad


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