Crabapples and Rhubarb: Tart, Tangy, and Nutritious!

  Crabapples and rhubarb are two often-overlooked ingredients that pack a punch in both flavor and nutrition. With their tart and tangy profiles, they can add a unique twist to various dishes. But what do they have in common, and what are the pros and cons of incorporating them into your diet? Taste: Tartness with a Twist Crabapples: These small, sour apples can be a challenge to eat raw due to their tartness. However, when cooked or pickled, they develop a complex flavor that pairs beautifully with spices and sweeteners. Rhubarb: Known for its sharp, tangy taste, rhubarb is often paired with sweet fruits or sugar to balance its sourness. It’s a favorite in pies and desserts but can also be used in savory dishes. Nutrition: What They Have in Common Crabapples and rhubarb share some key nutrients: Vitamin C: Both are rich in Vitamin C, supporting immune health and skin vitality. Fiber: High in dietary fiber, they promote digestive health and help regulate blood sugar levels. Potassi

Camp Stroganoff Recipe


Camp Stroganoff is a delicious alternative to the commercially-
 prepared camp foods, and much less expensive.

In the past my husband went on two trail hikes of several days. He prepared for them by purchasing several packets of dehydrated food-- it was light to carry in his pack but was mostly quite unpalatable and pretty expensive for what he got. This particular recipe is made easily at home with the use of a dehydrator (sometimes ovens are set up to do this), parchment paper, ziplock baggies and the following ingredients:

2 tablespoons vegan butter (we use Earth Balance brand) OR 2 tablespoons olive oil

1 small onion, minced

1-3 garlic cloves, minced

1 pound mushrooms, chopped small

1/2 teaspoon each salt and pepper

2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar

3/4 cup vegetable broth

2 tablespoons all purpose wheat flour

1/2 cup vegan sour cream (commercial or homemade such as this recipe)

8 ounces angel hair pasta

The above recipe is for 2 adult servings of camp stroganoff. Double the ingredients to make 4 servings, triple the ingredients to make 6 servings.

DIRECTIONS (at home):

  1. Saute the onions, garlic, and mushrooms in vegan butter or oil
  2. Stir in the seasonings
  3. Stir in the apple cider vinegar
  4. In a separate small bowl, whisk together broth and flour until smooth
  5. Add the broth and flour mixture to the vegetables and stir for about 5 minutes
  6. Add in the vegan sour cream and only simmer while mixing it in
  7. Be careful not to scorch or burn! Remove from heat and spread thinly over a couple of parchment-covered dehydrator sheets
  8. When dry (will vary from dehydrator to dehydrator), remove trays and crumble up the dry sauce into small pieces. When these small pieces are cool, divide into two ziplock baggies (or however many baggies for however many portions you have made)
  9. Evenly divide up the angel-hair pasta into 2 (or more) ziplock baggies.

Per serving:
  1. 1 hour before dinner add a little water to the sauce in the baggie, just enough to barely cover, and let it sit.
  2. Bring 2 cups of water to a boil and add the contents of 1 baggie of noodles.
  3. Once the noodles are fully cooked, drain.
  4. Add the rehydrated sauce to the noodles and stir.
  5. Let the pot sit, covered, for a while (5-15 minutes) before serving.

* Recipe vegan-adapted from Lip-Smacking Vegetarian Backpackin' by Christine and Tim Conners recipe. I am an Amazon affiliate. If you purchase using the above link I receive a small commission with no additional cost to you. Thank you for your support.


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