Crabapples and Rhubarb: Tart, Tangy, and Nutritious!

  Crabapples and rhubarb are two often-overlooked ingredients that pack a punch in both flavor and nutrition. With their tart and tangy profiles, they can add a unique twist to various dishes. But what do they have in common, and what are the pros and cons of incorporating them into your diet? Taste: Tartness with a Twist Crabapples: These small, sour apples can be a challenge to eat raw due to their tartness. However, when cooked or pickled, they develop a complex flavor that pairs beautifully with spices and sweeteners. Rhubarb: Known for its sharp, tangy taste, rhubarb is often paired with sweet fruits or sugar to balance its sourness. It’s a favorite in pies and desserts but can also be used in savory dishes. Nutrition: What They Have in Common Crabapples and rhubarb share some key nutrients: Vitamin C: Both are rich in Vitamin C, supporting immune health and skin vitality. Fiber: High in dietary fiber, they promote digestive health and help regulate blood sugar levels. Potassi

Simple Warm-Up Taco Casserole


This will likely seem so simple as to be silly-- but the fact is that sometimes we all have brain freeze (under stress, sick, tired, etc.) and it is nice to have a recipe that does not require a bunch of A to Z ingredients and steps, that you can just take leftovers from yesterday-s dinner, open a can or two, and pop the recipe into a small oven (or a big one). That is the way with this yummy Mexican quickie casserole.


2 cups cooked quinoa or rice

1 can (1.5 - 2 cups) black beans (or other beans on hand)

1 - 15oz. can (or 2 cups) tomatoes

1-2 tablespoons Taco herbs and spices

.5 (1 half) cup of frozen corn niblets

up to .5  (1 half) cup of any or all the following: sliced olives, chilies, fresh pepper, diced onion and or minced garlic

1 cup salsa (optional)

corn chips or taco bowls

sour cream (vegan or natural) (optional)

lime slices (optional)

cheese shreds (optional)


  1. Line an 8 inch x 8-inch cake pan with parchment
  2. Layer rice or quinoa, then a layer of beans, then other vegetable bits and salsa
  3. Mix taco spices with the canned tomatoes and add as a third or fourth layer
  4.  Put in a small countertop (or large) oven at 425 degrees F for 25 minutes.
  5.  Serve in taco bowls, or with corn chips, sour cream, cheese shreds and squeeze on some lime juice.

Ours was the really simple stopped down version version

We spread on the tomato sauce over the (1)quinoa and (2)beans layers.

We added vegan cheese shreds as a 4th layer and broiled a few minutes and just added chives, salsa and chips as individually desired. 

Is there something you would add in or leave out....





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